Zen Warrior Hand-Dyed 100% Wool Berets
only $18 each
plus $4.50 USPS postage for 1-2
$6.50 for 3-5
$8.50 for 6-8
$10.50 for 9-11
$14.50 for a dozen and up

Use this page to pay for your order using PayPal.
If you wish to send a check or money order,
simply email the artist, Tracy Lea Landis at tll@zenwarrior.com


Rainbow Zen Warrior ZW001

Bright Blue Zen Warrior ZW002

Browns On Grey Zen Warrior ZW003

Rasta Zen Warrior ZW004

Deep Scarlet Zen Warrior ZW005

Teal Zen Warrior ZW006

Teal & Black On Cream Zen Warrior ZW007

Holly Berry Zen Warrior ZW008

Navy Turquoise Zen Warrior ZW009

Purple Zen Warrior ZW010

Rust Brown Zen Warrior ZW011

Pink on White Zen Warrior ZW012

Orange Zen Warrior ZW013

Blue Zen Warrior ZW014

Magenta On Cream Zen Warrior ZW015

Mauve Zen Warrior ZW016

Green & Yellow Zen Warrior ZW017

Brown on Tan ZW018

Black on Grey Zen Warrior ZW019

Blue on White Zen Warrior ZW020

Black Rainbow Zen Warrior ZW021

Teal Rainbow Zen Warrior ZW022

Raspberry On White Zen Warrior ZW023

Winter Camo Zen Warrior ZW024

These are digital pictures of Zen Warrior Berets as they are produced in batches. One of each fresh batch is chosen to be used as an example of the way they turned out. Each individual Zen Warrior Beret, of course, is unique, though similar to the one represented here.

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